Theft and Robbery Charges Huddersfield
Have you been accused of Theft and Robbery Offences?
Theft and robbery are offences involving dishonesty – but it is necessary to prove intent for a conviction to be obtained under the Theft Act 1968 or the Criminal Justice Act 1993. Charges may also involve conspiracy, or attempts or incitement to commit theft or robbery. Not everyone facing theft and robbery charges is guilty, but it is vital to take legal advice on allegations relating to theft or burglary as soon as possible.

Accused of Theft and Robbery Offences?
At the early stage of a police investigation it is easy to make errors and misjudgements, which might prejudice the outcome of a case if a case goes to trial.
We are available 24/7 to advise on criminal charges – and have acknowledged expertise in defending theft and robbery charges and related offences, including charges relating to:
- Aggravated burglary
- Armed robbery
- Bank robbery
- Fraud and theft
- Handling stolen goods
- Shoplifting
- Street robberies (eg mugging, bag/mobile snatches)
- Taking without owners consent.
Charges relating to robbery and theft have different levels of seriousness – in some cases where violence is an aggravating factor, or a major crime such as a bank raid is involved, the penalties for robbery and theft may be heavy.
Carr and Co solicitors advise on low-value theft and robbery, as well as more complex cases involving allegations of fraud or organised crime – as well as advising on Confiscation Orders under Section 2 of the Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA).
Criminal Defence
It is important to access legal advice at the first opportunity. A criminal caution / conviction could effect your career, your future prospects or could have detrimental consequences for your family.
Legal Services
Legal advice is not means tested at the Police station it is free at the point of access. Our Solicitors can attend any police station at any time and at any location.
Representation at the Magistrates, Crown Court, High Court is available.
You will be advised on your eligibility for Legal Aid and if this is not available, you will be provided with a private quotation for our services.
We can also attend Taxi Appeal Hearings or Department of Work and Pensions Interviews.
Here To Help.
Contact our team if you a have problem and we will advise you on process and the next step.
Contact our office Monday – Friday between 09.00 – 17.00 on 01484 467860.
If it is an Emergency out of Office hours please contact 07540 123988.
Our Criminal Defence Legal Services:
We advise and represent clients on a range of Criminal Offences.
- Assault Charges – Common Assault to Murder.
- Drugs Charges – Possession, Production, Possession With Intent to Supply/Supply, Conspiracy including POCA ( Proceeds of Crime ) Proceedings.
- Dishonesty Offences – Fraud, Theft, Burglary, Deception, Conspiracy, Benefit Fraud.
- Road Traffic Offence – Drink and Drug Driving, Speeding- Careless and Dangerous Driving, Taxi Appeals.
Accused of a criminal offence
in England or Wales?
Call the Criminal Defence Solicitors on: 01484 467860 during office hours Monday – Friday 09.00 – 17.00 or on our Emergency Out of Hours number 07540 123988 which is permanently manned by a member of our team or contact us and we will call you.
Our Criminal Defence Solicitors have an excellent track record successfully defending people who faced a criminal charge in a Magistrates Court, the Crown Court or the Court of Appeal.
Emergency Criminal Defence Legal Representation in Huddersfield, Dewsbury, Halifax, Bradford, Leeds, West Yorkshire, Yorkshire, Lancashire and the UK.
If you or a family member, or your child has been arrested or has to attend for interview with the police at any time of the day, you can contact our free emergency service. We can dispatch a representative straight away and you will qualify for FREE legal advise.
If you are charged with a criminal offence and held in custody or you receive a requisition to attend court. Contact our team on the Emergency number if this is out of office hours. If you require legal advice and it is not an emergency we can be contacted in the usual way via phone or email. Or you can attend our office where you will be met by one of our team. Alternatively send us an email and we will contact you to discuss your problem.
Remember advise is available 24 hours a day to cater for every situation.
Need Criminal Defence Legal Advice?
Are the Police contacting you to attend the Police Station for a chat? Unsure what to do? Have you received a Requisition or been charged to attend court for an offence you were interviewed about with no Solicitor? Have you a friend, relative or child under arrest? Are the Police looking for you? Have you concerns about any criminal matter or are unsure as to whether your problem is related to Criminal Law? Contact us during office hours, via email or on our Emergency Mobile Number if it is outside office hours or at the weekend. We will answer your query straight away.